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Monday, August 17, 2015

Lottery Proposed for Alabama

alabama lottery

Alabama Lottery

Alabama Lottery Is this state of the United States considered a Gambling State? Alabama remains one of the few states without a lottery. Are forced strong anti gambling in the state and Have immense political pull. The state‘s attorney general has wasted tens of millions of taxpayer dollars pursuing an irrational vendetta against bingo games in the state. Recent news reports Indicate That the Democratic leader in the Alabama House is asking the legislature to use ITS election-year session to approve a state lottery in Alabama. That Republicans say Democrat Craig Ford is carrying a losing ticket for the 2014 elections.

Ford thinks otherwise and says that a lottery could bring in $250 million annually for education and could keep money in the state that is now being spent on lottery tickets in neighboring syayes such as Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. Ford stated “That is why I plan to propose a lottery bill during the 2014 legislative session.” Any proposed lottery bill would be considered by the House Economic Development and Tourism Committee chaired by Republican Micky Hammon.

Hammon said that Alabamans have said several times that they do not want a state lottery and cited the failed 1999 lottery referendum as proof. Hammon stated “Just four years ago, the Democratic nominee for governor made the creation of a statewide lottery his one and only issue, and he was soundly defeated in that race.” Hammon also said that the House Economic Development and Tourism Committee will focus on bills that create jobs in 2014. House Speaker Mike Hubbard said the lottery is a failed idea from the past. Hubbard said “We are working to put more money into the pockets of hardworking Alabamians, while Democrats want to take it out.”

Read more at:  Alabama Lottery - #AlabamaLottery

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